B2B Influencer Marketing: Should Companies Invest in This Strategy?

B2B Influencer Marketing: Should Companies Invest in This Strategy?

B2B Influencer Marketing has become a positive reality and brings many benefits to brands. But B2B companies can and should include this action in their Digital Marketing strategies.

Brands from the most different sectors are increasingly using the power of influencers in digital strategies to promote products and services and thus collaborate in customer purchase decisions in favor of the brand. According to research carried out by the Quodlibet Institute, in 2021, investments in Influence Marketing reached US$ 8 billion.

The study also revealed other interesting data:

  • 76% of internet users have already made a consumption decision by indication of influencers;
  • 45% of users say they have already purchased one or more products because of a referral from one of these favorite personalities.

Influencers can be an important part of your marketing and sales strategy. Whether to achieve greater sales, gain followers, or raise the status of your brand.

Anyone who thinks these numbers only reflect the B2C ( Business-to-Consumer ) market is wrong. On the contrary, they also illustrate B2B (Business-to-business or companies that do business with other companies), even though their decision-makers are skeptical about marketing strategies.

Influencer Marketing For B2B Companies

One of the myths of Influencer Marketing is that only B2C companies can benefit since, by the nature of the business, the actions are linked to the sale to the final consumer.

Influence Marketing actions for end consumers tend to be much more prominent, as they end up involving celebrities or mega influencers and impacting millions of people. 

Believe Me: Influencer Marketing For B2B Is More Important And Powerful Than B2C

Generally, the buying process for many companies starts from reading expert reviews, researching specs, and searching to gather as much information as possible.

They may spend a long period (days, weeks, or months) looking for a solution or technology, asking questions on the web, and clearing all their doubts before taking action.

The average sales cycle in the B2B market is six months. Even with social media and the ease of the web in the search for solutions, companies take a long time to close a deal definitively.

As long as the planning is done correctly, your brand can conquer a greater space with B2B Influence Marketing, generating more credibility and increasing brand recognition.

For this, one must consider:

  • The kind of influencer that can influence other companies’ decisions;
  • Deep knowledge of this audience;
  • The level of influence that also occurs outside the digital world;
  • The awareness that a good influencer is not always the one who has thousands of followers but speaks to a more targeted audience.

B2B Influencer Marketing Secret

The secret of Influencer Marketing for the B2B market is choosing the right influencer and outreach channel to achieve the company’s goals and always considering the message transmitted, the business policies, the target audience, and the brand image.

What’s The Difference Between B2B And B2C Influencer Marketing?

The difference is in the target audience: B2B companies sell to other companies, while B2C (Business to Consumer) sells to the final consumer. If the B2C purchase is personal, latent, and does not always involve large financial transactions, B2B is different.

In Business-to-Business, the timeline is longer. Although the influencer can play a strong role in the purchase decision and accelerate the sales funnel, results can take up to 6 months to appear. After all, it’s complex, business, sales, high tickets, and negotiation.

B2B influencer activations tend to last for a longer period. In addition, they focus on the co-creation of content, aiming to build a relationship of trust with the brand. After all, the average decision cycle and average ticket for B2B purchases are usually much longer.

Business-to-Consumer marketing is focused on the quick purchase, often on impulse, and influencer marketing is no exception. When it flows well, the influencer makes a paid post today, and immediately the product starts selling.

Who Are B2B Influencers?

B2B influencers are professionals in certain areas who understand the subject. In addition, it is also niche but focused on the public that works in the segment. It is the engineer, the designer, the installer who does the maintenance, etc.

According to research carried out by Convince & Convert Consulting, 91% of B2B sales are influenced by referrals from people in the industry.

Microsoft, National Geographic, and IBM are examples of some companies that use Influencer Marketing to drive sales and produce a positive impact. They use a range of channel options and actions to direct their efforts and amplify their voice in the market they intend to reach.

Also Read: Marketing Automation To Generate More Sales Leads

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