Big Data And Internet Of Things: Understand This Relationship

Big Data and the Internet of Things: Every day, people generate an enormous amount of information that constitutes Big Data. And with the advent of the Internet of Things, new channels have emerged that produce valuable data on the habits of the most diverse types of individuals and organizations.
This post will discuss these two concepts and explain their relationship. This allows you to add value to your business and gain a managerial vision of the future. Read on and check out the relationship between Big Data and the Internet of Things:
What Is Big Data?
The concept of Big Data refers to the immense volume of structured and unstructured data — generated through the various devices connected to the internet — that can impact business and use this information for strategic decision making.
With the diffusion of faster and more robust internet services, the information circulating on the network is increasing. And currently, devices connect to the internet and generate relevant data. These are added to the rest of the information generated by other means, forming Big Data.
What Is The Internet Of Things?
The IoT is the proposal to connect devices to the world wide web. We are already experiencing this today in various appliances, such as clocks, televisions, and refrigerators.
The focus of this concept is to promote integration and communication between valuable things in our daily lives. This is so that all objects can anticipate our needs and thus save time and make our lives easier.
Main applications of the Internet of Things are:
- building automation;
- surveillance systems;
- gathering information for strategic business decisions;
- the physical security of buildings.
However, this scenario tends to change a lot shorter with the emergence of new demands and solutions. This concept is constantly evolving and, above all, expanding. According to data from the consultancy Gartner, by the end of 2016, 6.4 billion devices with connectivity will circulate the world, representing a number 30% greater than in 2015.
Relationship Between Big Data And The Internet Of Things?
Big Data has been enthusiastically linked to the Internet of Things technologies. In an increasingly competitive market, companies do their best to deliver products and services that are, at the very least, attractive and that have a differential against their competitors. In this context, there is a range of situations in which there is a correlation between the concepts of Big Data and the Internet of Things and some trends. Look:
The Optimization Of Consumer Relations
Integrating such concepts in the future can be the key for commerce to act strategically in the face of the real needs of its client.
For example, imagine the following situation: A customer visits a store looking for a running shoe. Meanwhile, he compares the product’s price via the internet on his smartphone with that of other companies in the same segment. And you can also view reviews from other users about the merchandise.
Meanwhile, the shoe you’re wearing has a sensor under its insole and collects information about the weight of your stride, which is automatically sent to the internet. In real-time, the store you are in sends the customer’s smartphone (based on their location), as a suggestion, a list of products that support the weight and meet their real needs.
Thus, despite the overwhelming competition available just a few clicks away on the internet, the store in question benefits from Big Data’s data to ensure a more targeted in-person sale.
This immense volume of data available and now collected — not only by social networks but by things used in people’s daily lives — contains precious information for companies to obtain insights and direct their strategic business actions.
The Best Efficiency Of Public Services
It is not difficult to envision a situation where the internet can be helpful in the provision of public services. Ordinary conditions in big cities, such as waiting for the bus, can be more interactive and simple for the user.
From the junction of IoT and Big Data, it is entirely possible to collect information related to the itinerary of the urban collective, as well as its travel time to the point where the user is (a situation very similar to what occurs with the operation of the services of the giant Uber).
In addition, it is possible to manage energy resources more efficiently, both on a residential and business scale. This is from devices connected to the internet that will be able to individually analyze the operation of each instrument or machine, pointing out its energy expenditure. Thus, the information provided makes it possible to create automation mechanisms that combine productivity with energy expenditure.
The Evolution Of The Financial Market
The financial market stands out when it comes to data and information communication. Few sectors benefit from the combination of Big Data and Internet of Things concepts.
As a driver of new technologies, the financial market seeks at all times to find solutions that make life easier for its customers and optimize the operation of its services. This market uses the internet to perform most of its activities. And more than that, it migrates to different devices and platforms.
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