Why I Am Doing A Marketing Internship As An Education Student?

I have now completed my bachelor’s degree in educational science and out for Marketing Internship. In these six semesters, I received several internships in the academic field. However, none of these internships convinced me that I would spend my professional future in one of these areas. Sitting down and bored was the order of the day. I cannot remember any meaningful tasks or educational activities. I finally had to do a new internship for my master’s degree, and one thing was sure for me this time: sit around stupid and waste several weeks of my time just so that I could do some internship at the end, which is precisely what I don’t want anymore.
About Me
I did my bachelor’s degree in education. Even at the beginning of my master’s degree, I could see that a compulsory internship was being planned for the middle of my studies. I knew immediately that this internship would be different from my previous internships. I have not yet thought of a marketing internship. Gathering beneficial experiences and developing myself further was the focus for me. In addition, I have developed a particular affinity for online media and marketing, which was shown in my interest in various social media platforms. I also created a passion for creative tasks such as taking and editing photos/videos.
Through my specialization in media education in my master’s degree, I was able to gain first insights into the combination of media and pedagogy, but I wanted to deepen my knowledge. An internship in this area would be ideal for me. After doing some online research, I came across the BAR website. I was immediately taken with the company and knew that I wanted to do my internship here.
The combination of eLearning and marketing sounded just right to me, so a marketing internship was now an option for me. Not only because I can incorporate my existing knowledge from media education, but because I can also get a taste of the marketing area. So I applied, had an interview, and a few weeks later, my marketing internship began.
Education And Marketing – How Do They Fit Together?
A survey from 2020 on the occupational areas of the population aged 14 and over showed that 4.2% of employees work in advertising and marketing. More than twice as many, namely 10.4%, are active in upbringing, pedagogy and teaching methods. This makes the field of education the second largest professional activity area. So you can see here that far more people work in educational areas than in marketing. At first glance, these two fields don’t seem to have much to do with each other; at first, you don’t see a standard interface. But is there a way to combine these two fields of activity? Is the marketing area also interesting for educational staff? Or are these fields of activity completely mutually exclusive?
The union of these two areas is highly relevant on several levels, especially in our time. On the one hand, in adult education, pedagogy can be seen as a product that appears in the form of advanced training courses, courses and learning opportunities. Accordingly, they also need the associated marketing to sell the product “pedagogy”. As with any other product, the success of this one depends mainly on its marketing. The modern world offers us numerous new possibilities, such as marketing in various social media.
On the other hand, the content-related aspects of online marketing are part of our increasingly digitized world. Courses in this area are gaining importance and will continue to be achieved in the future. More and more companies rely on online and social media marketing, so knowing about its possibilities is very valuable. Marketing offers further training potential so that these two fields of activity are not mutually exclusive and can also be very interesting for educational staff.
As an education student, that means that I want to constantly deal with the content-related aspects of online marketing to be up-to-date. For me, the creation and marketing of courses belong together. These areas will converge more and more closely, mainly due to the advancing digitization. So I see a lot of potential in the future for the combination of marketing and education and a lot of room for common ground. To be well prepared for this, the marketing internship at the BAR will help me a lot.
My First Day Of Marketing Internship
Before my first day at BAR, I was excited to get to know the team. After warmly welcoming breakfast together, I immediately felt at home. A lot of time was taken for me, and I immediately felt like a fully-fledged part of the team. Everything was explained in detail, and I have given small tasks straight away. So it quickly became clear to me that this time I wasn’t just sitting around and watching, but that I would be included from the start. I always had a contact person in the home office for the next few days.
The induction worked just as well online as it did on site. I was also able to express wishes, which are also considered. I finally have the feeling that my marketing internship not only challenges me and thus exhausts my skills but also promotes them. An example of this is training to become an online marketing manager, which I could choose myself.
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