Google Translate Is Capable Of Translating & Transcribing

Google Translate Is Capable Of Translating & Transcribing

After having been a wish of Google, then a project, it is now a reality:  the Google Translate Android application can (finally) translate long speeches in real-time and in several languages—a real technological advance in summary, which will be very useful in communication. The time has therefore come to take an interest in this new feature.

Introducing The Innovative Google Translate Feature

Google Translate is undoubtedly a real innovation in the technology sector. Today, thanks to artificial intelligence, the tool is constantly improving. An example: its repertoire has been enriched with some sixty additional languages ​​for translation. And recently, it got a new feature which its users eagerly awaited. Indeed, the online search giant said it had developed an instant translation system for long speeches.

Having previously had a “voice” mode with the ability to transcribe words into another language, Google now wants to go further regarding technological prowess. The main novelty brought by this functionality lies in the length of the speeches that can be translated. Until now, the app could only summarize a few sentences at a time.  Now you can use your smartphone to transcribe and translate entire speeches almost instantly. This change makes all the difference because previously. 

At the same time, Google Translate allowed the translation of short sentences and specific conversations; this tool was unsuitable for more extended discussions such as conferences and meetings. To take advantage of this innovation, an Internet connection is essential because, to begin with, the Google servers will do the translations. As for the languages ​​available, for the moment, we find  English, German, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Hindi. 

How Does Real-Time Speech Translation Work?

Over time, this state-of-the-art service will be even more efficient since it is expected to take punctuation into account and to be able to correct translated texts according to the context of sentences. However, Google said that in a quiet environment where only one person talks at a time, this feature performs the best by far. 

If you need to translate the conversation of a single interlocutor quickly, the “Dialogue” tool is more appropriate, provided you place your smartphone close to the computer for optimal translation.  To use this new Google feature, ensure you have the latest version of the Google Translate app. Note that iPhone owners cannot benefit from this tool because it is unavailable on iOS. But it should be soon.

 If you have the correct application version, using it is pretty simple. You must first click on “transcribe” and select the language spoken. Configuring the text’s size and displaying the original text is also possible. Then, it would help to press the microphone under the source language to speak. Then Google Translate will use voice to translate the phrase you want to say into the target language. And by clicking on the central “Two” button, you can activate automatic transcription in two languages.

The Evolution Of Google Translate’s Translation Systems

The automatic transcription option constitutes the backbone of technological innovation these days. Indeed, in this growing sector, artificial intelligence (AI) occupies a prominent place. The same applies to applications for smartphones and computers (like Google Translate), which can implement excellent functions and allow us to visit foreign websites or interact with people who speak different languages.

Therefore, it is clear that nowadays, the multilingual performance of machines is not far from that of humans. Google tells us this clearly with the new AI, which has made significant progress in its instant translation system. The Google Translate application (Google Translate), the  Google Neural Machine Translation System (GNMT), has relied on this technology to convert from Mandarin to English, or 18 million daily translations.

If we stick to the statements of the American firm, its virtual technology used for instant translation reduces the risk of error by nearly 30% compared to other usual systems. Called long-term memory (LSTM), this new deep learning method is based on a model of human memory to enable AI to retain short- and long-term information.

The system can remember its beginning once it reaches the end of the sentence it analyzes. It considers all words, whole sentences and their context, thus offering more effective results. In short, with Google Translate, direct communication will be done more efficiently, regardless of the language. It is, therefore, a real breakthrough that can be adopted to improve professional performance.

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