How To Properly Manage Your Pro Page On Facebook?

In the landscape of social networks, Facebook is undoubtedly the most essential platform for those wishing to promote their business online. But to benefit from the advantages of a Facebook page, you still need to know how to administer your pro page wisely to obtain maximum visibility.
Easily Create Your Pro Page With Facebook!
Among social media, Facebook is a relatively easy-to-use platform, which is a good point for beginners who want to promote their business on the Internet. If you are already a user of this social network, you will be fine creating your professional page. But if you need to learn about this social media, here is some helpful information. To fully understand how the pages work, you should know that Facebook offers different types of accounts:
- The private profile: this is the most widespread account that anyone can create and represents an individual in a personal capacity. If someone wants to follow your account, they will offer to become their “friend.”
- The professional page: It is the one that interests us. It represents a company, a personality… Those who follow a page are its “fans.” This is the format chosen for the Empara page, for example.
- The group: invites more discussion. It brings people together around a common interest: students from the same university, fans of a series, travelers, photography enthusiasts…
Please note: the private profile is the basic Facebook account. It is necessary to have one to be able to create a professional page or a group. If you want to avoid mixing private and professional life, don’t panic: visitors to your page will not know which private profile it is linked to.
Finally, before creating your professional page, consider the angle you want to adopt to promote your business: Facebook users have little desire to follow another brand or company present on the network if it offers no exciting content. Try to target a niche. For example, if you are a photographer, it is better to orient your page (or your secondary page, keeping a main page presenting you) on your specialty than your name. If you have just spent six months photographing people in Burma, “Portraits of Myanmar” will attract more likes than “Pierre Legrand Photography.”
Four Tips For Effectively Administering Your Pro Page On Facebook
Once your business Facebook page has been created, there are specific configuration steps that you cannot skip. Here they are.
Choose A Relevant Profile Picture And Cover
If you have a logo, placing it as your profile picture is a good idea. It is, above all, thanks to this image, that network users can identify you. Coverage may change further depending on your news. If you need to become a graphic designer at heart or Photoshop seems too complicated, use online programs like Canva to give your pro page a more appealing aesthetic.
Immediately Create A Call To Action!
If visitors are browsing your page, that’s great. But if you don’t invite them to act, that’s not much use… That’s the whole point of the “call-to-action” or “call-to-action” button! It can appear in different forms, such as “Buy” or “Book now,” and links directly to your website. If there is no specific content for this redirect, you can choose “Contact.”
Complete The “About” Section As Well As Possible
If your visitors are interested in your page, they will go directly to this section. It must give them all the necessary information about you and your products or services: contact details, hours of availability, contact details and details of your field of activity.
Pin An Engaging Post
Facebook lets you highlight one of your posts, pinning it to the top of your News Feed. Most of your visitors will not bother to consult your past publications and will only be interested in the first visible one to get an idea of your page. Take the opportunity to highlight a publication with great success or exciting news communication.
Learn How To Use Statistics From Your Facebook Pro Page
Take the time to browse the “Stats” tab of your pro page. Facebook provides you with essential data, such as the reach of your posts or the hours your visitors are active. You can publish your following content when your fans are connected and know what type of publication they prefer!
The “Overview” section gives you an overview of your page’s activity over the last seven days, with the actions taken (A), the number of views of your page (B), and the number of likes earned (C). You can increase this time frame and see the past month or day. Lower down; the data is more accurate for your last five posts. The “On-page actions” (A) part is essential because it tells you the effectiveness of your calls to action and the contacts made: it is about concrete results.
Good To Know
In each section of the statistics, Facebook differentiates organic traffic from paid traffic, i.e., visitors who came to your page on their own and those who went through one of your advertising campaigns. .Even further down, you will find a section called “Pages to watch.”
Unsurprisingly, this tool allows you to compare the performance of your page with that of your smaller neighbors. In the example above, the page “” can be interesting to observe. It has a total number of likes close to ours (in second place) but has slightly higher growth and much higher engagement.
Engagement counts the week’s posts’ likes, comments, and shares. You directly access its best posts of the week by clicking on the thumbnail or the page’s name to watch. Then it’s up to you to interpret. We can question the type of publication, the choice of the subject, the length of the status, the title and the description of the link, etc…
Slight Downside
The search engine of this tool is not efficient. For example, the page “f/1.4 – At full aperture” would be interesting to observe for “Lens Photographer.” This page turned out to be simply non-existent for the tool. Hoping that Facebook improves this little point The “Likes” section is handy for gauging the effectiveness of your publications.
You will find there your quantities of likes (or dislikes) gained over time (A), as well as the source of your new “likes” acquired: advertising, Facebook suggestions… (B) Do not hesitate to choose a single variable in the right column (C): the tool calculates the average of your “likes” over a given period.
When is the best time to post your Facebook posts? Open the “Publications” section and consult the “When your fans are online” tab (A): you will know exactly which day of the week and at what times a maximum of your fans are online! Don’t neglect the “Types of posts” tab (B): you will learn what content makes your visitors react more.
To Go Further
From the overview of your statistics, you can “export the data” of your page in Excel format, for example. Handy for keeping track of your statistics and comparing them month after month!
No Facebook Page For Your Business Without Regular Posts
If you already know you will not have time to feed your Facebook page regularly, it is better to avoid creating it immediately! A page that has been empty or not updated for six months would suggest that your business has ceased to exist… Remember to share your latest publications on your Facebook page if your website is active.
But if you lack content, you can work with a community manager. Be aware, however, that you can prepare your publications in advance and schedule their online publication. This service exists directly on Facebook. However, it may be worth using dedicated software, such as Hootsuite, if you have several accounts to manage simultaneously.
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