Understand The Main Reasons To Migrate To The Cloud

Understand The Main Reasons To Migrate To The Cloud

The use of physical servers in companies has become outdated, as they are often expensive and do not provide the security that businesses need today. If you still have these resources, know that it is high time to migrate to the cloud, the newest darling on the market. And it’s no wonder, as it opens up a world of possibilities for companies, regardless of their niche. The tool, driven by digital transformation, allows the company’s infrastructure to be available in a virtual environment, accessible from multiple places.

In this post, we will present the main reasons for you to get rid of physical servers and applications and work in the cloud as soon as possible. Keep reading and be surprised!

What Are The Reasons To Invest In The Cloud?

Cloud computing provides various computing services, such as servers, databases, software, network, storage, analysis and intelligence through the internet. The solution is a business model adapted for small to large companies more than modern and innovative. Check out good reasons to invest in the cloud.

Migrate To Cloud Brings Flexibility And Technological Scalability.

The services stored in the cloud are great allies for companies with growing demand. That’s because the solution enables the scalability of cloud capacity in a simplified, effective and low-cost way compared to the need to acquire and maintain physical servers.

If it is necessary to reduce the scale, you will find the same facility. Therefore, it is a highly flexible modality since its capacity can be expanded according to business activities without any complications.

Provides Agility

When a company keeps its servers in a physical data center managed by its own IT team, if it has to make a technological or even geographic change to the servers, it will face a complex operation, which requires time and still can trigger problems.

Now, technicians can perform all configurations remotely and quickly when the server is in the cloud. Another relevant point is that your team does not have to worry about technological hardware updates, considering that the service provider is responsible for this activity.

Ensures Easy Access

The pandemic took many companies by surprise, and the absence of the cloud made it difficult for their employees to work from home. In this type of situation, companies with cloud computing do much better. The employee only needs to have an internet connection to work from home or anywhere else using a notebook, desktop, smartphone or tablet.

In practice, this means a much more significant gain in productivity, as all team members, who are duly authorized, can access the system and work simultaneously, share files and make updates in real-time.

Allows Integrated System

All systems used by the company can be integrated into the cloud, which guarantees complete and optimized management of tools and tasks. It is possible to integrate all the business’s production processes, from the entry of products delivered by the suppliers to the quality control of the final product, for example.

In addition, systems and applications hosted in the virtual sphere can be applied to the most varied functions as they integrate with document management systems, ERPs, CRMs, and other popular platforms in the business environment.

Adds Security

Typically, the cloud service provider runs a single technology stack, which is entirely uniform, to support more secure facilities, physically and digitally, than any internal infrastructure present in an enterprise.

Not to mention that cloud computing has several protection tools, such as firewalls and encryption. And the SaaS provider team is always up to date and able to apply the best information security practices. Therefore, the modality is highly secure against intrusion and data theft attempts.

How To Migrate To The Cloud?

See how many benefits the cloud brings to your business? To take advantage of them, it is necessary to carry out a planned migration, which considers your company’s specific needs. Below are the actions required for a successful transition.

Choose The Appropriate Service Model

The cloud service is available in three options: public, private, and hybrid. To make the most appropriate choice and avoid problems that affect your company’s work routine, it is essential to know the characteristics of each one:

  • Public Cloud –  Recommended for small companies that are unable to make a significant investment
  • Private Cloud – It is better suited to organizations that need to have more information about the resources used for the service, having a higher investment cost
  • Hybrid Cloud – Ideal for companies where some service controls can be shared with stakeholders

Create An Inventory Of All Assets

This change usually involves numerous assets, and if some of them are excluded or forgotten during the implementation of the new modality, your IT infrastructure will undoubtedly be harmed, which will compromise its functioning.

To prevent this from happening, it is essential to prepare a comprehensive inventory that includes all the company’s assets. In that sense, start by identifying all the items required for the migration, then create a transition plan that accommodates different assets.

Do Security Tests When You Migrate To The Cloud

Once the migration process is complete, determine a trial period to evaluate the system’s performance against the needs of the business. Only after this test is it advisable to disable the local servers. With this, you measure performance and have the opportunity to identify and fix faults and test for compatibility. By making sure the system is stable, you can open access to all departments in the organization.

Also Read: What Are The Advantages Of The Private Cloud?

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